News: UFVA

2023 Carole Fielding Student Grant Awardees

Wednesday, June 14, 2023   (0 Comments)
Posted by: Pamela Ueno

The Carole Fielding Grant committee is excited to recognize four student projects for their achievement in student media production and research. Thanks to the efforts of volunteer UFVA member judges–charged with the difficult task of narrowing down from dozens of worthy applicants–we are pleased to award these five deserving projects: 


Always Running (documentary short) – Susana Barrón, Stanford University

Desync (narrative short) – Chen Sing Yap, Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning


Syndromes of a Century (narrative short) – Sonia Gonzalez, UCLA


Untitled Miami Project (documentary short) – Enrique Pedraza Botero, Stanford University


When you arrive (new media) – Kat Navarro, Towson University

The UFVA sponsored Carole Fielding Student Grant supports production or research proposals. The grant is open to undergraduate and graduate students in film, media, and/or related fields. Applicants must be an enrolled student at the time the application is made. A faculty member who is an active UFVA member must sponsor the applicant. Categories are narrative, documentary, experimental, animation, new media, and research. 


Congratulations to the awardees! 


Casey Hayward 
UFVA Carole Fielding Grants Coordinator 

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